Behind The Design


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Refined by nearly two decades of custom home building in the Lowcountry, Shoreline Construction’s design process is crafted to ensure the realization of our clients’ vision and dreams.  As the name would suggest, Behind the Design provides an insider’s look at recently completed homes through the eyes of our Design Team.  We hope you enjoy!

Please feel free to visit often, as we’ll release episodes throughout the year.  As always, if you have any questions about features you see or on how to get started designing and building your dream home, please reach out to us today.  We look forward to hearing from you.

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  • Design Studio

    Design Studio

    Located in the heart of old town Bluffton, Shoreline’s Design Studio serves as a highly convenient, inspirational space for our clients to work hand in hand with our Design Team.

Furnish Website Video-high.gif

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