We Are Family!


Here at Shoreline, we pride ourselves on being the best at what we do! The largest reason we can say that with pure confidence is because of our team. Each person truly has a passion for our field, our clients, our subs and our homes. We are a family and we work hard like a family and have fun like a family! Monthly, we make time to do team outings together, whether we go bowling, a Savannah Bananas game and our favorite, volunteering for CAPA, retreats and so much more! But while at work, we are the best in our field at what we do. 

When Chris and Katie started Shoreline 11 years ago, they could’ve never imagined the team that would one day be built. We are all on the right bus, in the right seat, all going to the same destination which is super rare to find in any company! 

We each have discovered our “WHY’S” so we can each do our job with enthusiasm, love, and consistency. 


Please visit our website for more info on each one of us!


Why Designers?


Bluffton State of Mind